Enoch, Elijah, and Moses


Question: Do you think that Enoch and Elijah are the two witness prophets who are mentioned in Revelation 11:1-14?


Scripture says they "are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord (Adon) of all the Earth", (Zech. 4:14).  Their purpose is to faithfully pronounce "the Kingdom", as did our Lord during His Earthly Ministry (Rev. 1:5).  They will also witness to the fact that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah the Jews rejected!  They will have special powers of survival and miracle, which will anger and unsettle the followers of Anti-Christ (Satan's people) on Earth, especially as they cannot be killed until their mission is complete; their witness time period is exactly the same as the Nations control of Jerusalem!

It remains to be seen, whether the second Witness is Moses or Enoch, see link below!


Enoch and Elijah    (Study)

Enoch & Elijah, or, Moses & Elijah   (Study)


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