Doomsday Clock




Question:  What do people think about the Doomsday Clock?


It is to be considered, but, it is humanly derived, which is always cause for great caution!

The most reliable source of time location relative to human history is the Bible; and, the most reliable time location is Israel, relative to known prophecy!

For example; the modern state of Israel was established in 1948, on the 14th of May.

If the recurring 70 number can be authentically applied to Israel’s “completed birth” as seems to be possible (Isaiah 62, and elsewhere), from 1948 to 2018 was the “70” year gestation period.

That would seem to imply that the “70” is invalid (taken from the time of our Lord’s birth to the destruction of Jerusalem); but maybe not so!

The Lord’s birth date has a +/- margin of 5 years, due to the real uncertainty as to the authentic date!

So; adding 5 to 2018 = 2023!

We wait and see.  Not forgetting that the Lord Himself said that the exact dating of the events of Matt.24/25 are in the domain of the “Father only”.


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