David and Psalm 39


Question:  What is the meaning of Psalm 39?


King David opens his heart- felt remorse before Almighty God for his sinning and behaviour!

As he states in v.7: “my hope is in You”!

In v.12, “Hear my prayer, O Lord”!

God said of David; “he is a man after My Own Heart”; (Acts 13:22), which when I first read it, I found difficult to believe or understand!

However, when I understood more of King David, his life and his sinning, and Almighty God’s search for truly sincere people, and the power of Satan on the “fallen nature” we all inherited from Eden in the ‘Age’ we are all in; the Truth of God and His Son’s Sacrifice for willing people made sense!

One asks the question, how did David not know what he was doing?

The answer undoubtedly is that Satan had seen his weakness, and took control; this is a great warning to all humans; when remembering Eden!

David had risen from shepherd to King of Israel, by dint of his anointing by God; Who said of David to Samuel; “he is a man after My Own Heart” (1Sam.13:14; & Acts 13:22).

That is a remarkable statement.  God (Who knows the end from the beginning), Anointed him in the full knowledge of his future sin; because he would “do His Will”!

But, as always, God does not take away our free-will, as it is crucial to His Plan of Salvation in Christ Jesus, for all mankind!


King David and Sinning!  (Study)

King David & Psalm 51  (Study)

Heart and Mind  (Study)

The Heart!  (Study)


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