Daniel 12?


 Question:  What is the meaning of 1260 days, 1290 days and 1335 days in Daniel 12?


First; v.4 states that the knowledge of “the book”, is sealed till the time of the end however, that may be close!

Your comment regarding the 1,260 days, I deduce you are referring to v.7, “a time, times, and a half”.  At 360 Jewish days in a year, that = 1,260.   That is the time required by the Antichrist to achieve his destructive work on the “holy people” (the Jews).  It also corresponds with Chp.11, Matt. 24; and the last 3.5 years of “Jacob’s trouble”!

The 1,290 days, seem to be the transition times from the “removal of the daily sacrifice” v.11, and the setup of “the abomination that makes desolate”.

The 1,335 days has the special description for “those that wait” (are steadfast).  That may well refer to those Jews who have been against the Antichrist from the beginning (see Matt. 24:15–22.


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