Christian's Actions, The Bema, Dispensations and Covenants


Question:  What does 1Corinthians Chapter 3 mean?


It is clarification from Paul, as to how the Christ-One (Christian) should think and behave after the Spirit of Christ Jesus takes residence in the individual!

He uses the word “carnal” to explain certain ways of thinking, because that is the fact of the matter, even though the word “carnal” has taken on the meaning of extreme physical and sinful behaviour in the modern world.

Paul explains the tendency to want to “take side” with one person or another; but he shows how here on Earth we are just “fellow workers with God” (v.9), but only God can lay the “foundation”, or a “master builder” such as Paul:

Question: Is Paul of Tarsus an historical personality that really walked the face of Earth?

Paul was a "Chosen Vessel", (Acts 9:15), to give Israel guidance and understanding, the understanding they needed of the "New Covenant" (Jer. 31:31- 37) had they accepted Christ as Messiah, to guide them into the "Kingdom Age".  Had they accepted Paul's message and Christ as Messiah, John the Baptist would have "been as Elijah" (Matt.11:14 and 17:9-13), as Jesus stated.  When they rejected, he became 100% "the Apostle to the Gentiles" (Romans 11:13).  This statement refutes the oft made comment by some Church leaders and teachers, that "Paul's teaching, and Christ's teaching contradict".  It is a profound truth, that Paul was the mouthpiece of Christ after His resurrection, and therefore the words of Paul are the words of Christ Himself!  To understand that, is to see that Paul's words must be revered and used for understanding of the complex events following Pentecost, and the events that Peter was describing!  When it is realised that Paul's words are Christ's Words, a new impetuous and accuracy is added to the interpretation of the Bible, in the sense that instead of Christ's and Paul's teachings appearing to conflict, as so many Churches teach, they are interwoven in the Truth of the Word!  The onus is on us to see the real meanings!

In brief summary: Almighty God lays the Plan; Jesus Christ is the “foundation”; declarations such as Paul’s go out; many people world- wide can work on those basics, who are indwelt by Christ’s Spirit.

Yes there will be errors and mistakes by the latter group, because we are all human; but God knows our hearts, and at the “Bema Judgement” (Romans 14:10–13), the wrong will be “cleansed by fire, and the right will be rewarded”; but there will not be any loss of Salvation”!!!

There is much confusion in the world regarding the Bible’s message; which has been compounded by mankind’s many errors in interpretation and teaching, which have added to the latter category; but our God; who is so forbearing in all the ways of men, remembers this at the Bema and shows the need for the Sin Sacrifice of Jesus!

The Bible; Old and New Testament (Covenants), has been split by Almighty God into Dispensations (time periods), see Link below; which must reach fulfilment prior to the return to Earth of Christ Jesus, who will begin the work of worldwide renewal, both physically and spiritually; which will be approx. 1000 years duration.  After which will be the final dealing with Satan and evil, in power!


Bible Junctures and Dispensations   (Comment)

Bible Dispensations  (study)


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