Canaanite Identity


Question: Who considered the Ancient Hebrews to be Canaanites?


There is the verse in Zech. 14:21, which indicates that “in that day there shall no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts”!

As that is a prophecy related to the future Millennial, it begs the question as to who these people are.

There is opinion in the world that during the rebellion in the Kingdom of Israel after the death of Solomon, and during the opposing tribal division when the separation of the northern kingdom produced the building of a separate Temple/Temples, and a separate priesthood to Jerusalem, that the “priesthood” became polluted by Canaanites (who at the time were considered decedents of Nephilim)!

Whether that is the case is open to question; but what is quite possible is what is recorded and researched in the Link below.

Changes Made To The Old Testament   (Study)


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