Bride, The Lamb's wife

Extracts and comments from Revelation Chps. 3, 12, 19 & 21 


(a)Behold, I have taken my station at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.

(a)  The context here is still Jewish, and refers to the 7 groups initially.  However, the Jewish nation will read and understand these words in the future and it will apply to many of them.  As the present time (Age) applies to the Church (which is Christ's Body) the sense of this is that this yet future grouping will relate to Christ eventually as Bride.  Hence the Bridegroom will be Christ and Christ-ones, and the Bride will be all the above mentioned, at least!  (See Luke 12:35-38 and Rev. 19:9, etc. The misapplication of the words "Behold, I stand at the door and knock", "if any man hear my voice", initially by Jerome, and subsequently by the Roman Church, followed by others, is to use Dr. Bullinger's words, "akin to blasphemy".  As said, the context is Jewish, the timing is certainly the latter part of the "7" remaining years of the revelation to Daniel, and is therefore the "Ammi", or just prior to the "Ammi " period.  Further; the words "any man", should from the Greek be "certain men", meaning a particular grouping, in this context Jews. 


And there was seen a great sign in Heaven; a (a)woman clothed with the (a)sun, and the (a)moon under her feet, and on her (b)head a crown of (a)twelve stars. 

(a)  “A woman";  the only way to interpret this remarkable vision is to use Scripture to interpret itself.  Because of the other main elements of the verse, i.e. "sun", "moon", "stars"; the only other reference to such is Gen. 37:9-11.  In that reference the sun is Jacob, moon mothers, 11 stars eleven brothers, therefore Joseph making 12.  Interestingly in the Genesis record, Joseph's dream was prior to God's deliverance of the embryo nation (family of Jacob) from famine, and its later emergence as a nation in the Exodus!  Here, clearly, Jehovah Zebaoth, who is True, Consistent and ever Loving; is showing also imminent delivery of Israel again, this time to a state of peace, reassurance, and true position as a future Bride (Zech.) (Isa. 54:5-7), (49) (61) (62) & (Rev. 21:9-12).



Let us be glad and rejoice, and give the glory to Him: (b)for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and (b)His wife has made herself ready”. 

(b)   As the writers have said previously, we are of the opinion that the wife of the Lamb is restored righteous Israel, and possibly people who trusted Christ as Saviour and Messiah from the moment He said on the cross "It is finished", up to Acts 28:28, (some are of the opinion that pre-Acts 28:28 Christians are also part of the Bride, but this is a disputed point).

Most of Christendom’s teachers and commentators say that the “Church” is the Bride, however, seemingly to ignore Scriptural evidence to the contrary.  The Apostle Paul states that the “True Church” is Christ’s Body! (1Cor.) but particularly 1Cor. 12:27, where Paul defines the pre- Acts 28:28 Corinthians as "The Body of Christ".  As this statement is A.D. 57, and Acts 28: 28, is A.D. 63, Paul is clearly stating that pre. and post Acts 28 Christians are of the Body of Christ; the pre Acts 28:28 Christians are in the blessing of the promise to Abraham, as the post Acts 28:28 Christians are in the blessing of the "Mystery Church".  It is the opinion of the writers that as stated both are the Body of Christ but with different functions after the revealing of Christ (Second Coming).  It is our opinion that the former have Earthly function and the latter Heavenly function, however, as previously stated there is much discussion on this area.  

As regards some of the comments and prophecies to the future Bride, some are as follows; Isa. 49:18 & 61:10, the whole of Isa. 62, but particularly 62:4-5.  Also, Jer. 2:32 & John 3:29, (in this reference John is referring to The Lord’s own statement that He came “only to the lost sheep of Israel”)! 



And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven last plagues, and talked with me saying, “Come hither, I will show thee the (a)Bride, the Lamb’s wife”. 

(a)  See Chp. 19:7(b), see notes and references. 



(a)And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. 

(a)  In the O.T. God attempted to obtain in His Chosen People Israel, faithfulness, fidelity and love and service.

Faithfulness to Him Jehovah, as their “One True God”. 

Fidelity in their dealings and actions with each other, and with Him.

Love  from them to Him for His care and protection of them, and service in witness! 

It failed.  Israel was unfaithful with the gods of the local neighbours, they did not honour Jehovah’s Name among themselves or the nations around them.  For their sin, after they warred and split when Solomon died, the presence (Glory) of Jehovah departed from them, and they were exiled to Babylon, and Syria.  Even at this low ebb, God promised not to abandon them, so as to keep His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that they would never cease to be a people on Earth.  He promised they would be revived, and eventually they as “the unfaithful wife”, (see Joel and elsewhere), would become “the Bride”, (Isa. 49:18, 61:10, 62:5 & John 3:29).  This promise entailed the fulfilling of the prophecy in Jer. 31:34, and which CHRIST as JESUS achieved at His death on the cross outside the walls of Jerusalem.  He witnessed to that fact at His last meal with the apostles, who are mentioned in V.14 above, (see Matt. 26:28, Mark 14:24 & Luke 22:20).  They were sent to Israel only, to witness that fact. 

Of those who are the Overcomers of earlier Chapters and descriptions, some are part of the “remnant”, saved by Christ, whilst still in their flesh, so as to fulfil God’s early promises, re the survival of Israel, and so that Satan could not obtain victory on Earth by defeating a promise of God.  The twelve apostles are therefore the above mentioned foundations, underpinning the Twelve Tribes (gates), of whom are made up of all the people of Israel and proselytes that form the Bride, after the resurrection of O.T. Israel, as mentioned in Ezekiel, and Daniel 12.                      


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