Bible Origin


Question: Is the Bible copied from the Avesta?


No, the Bible is unique in the sense that it is descriptive/informative on the only “One True God”!

It is strong in its own defence in the certain statements of its origin; 2Timothy 3:16–17!

Before the call of Abram (whose purpose was to become the “Father” of a people who would revere and serve the “One True God”), many pagan religions existed, all originating from Babylon, and revering and serving many gods!  Abraham’s outstanding Blessing from God was that said “he is My friend”!  That was because of Abrams individual faith in that he believed God, and became the forerunner of many who would/will have faith in God and His word!  (This described in Hebrews 11).

This makes the Bible unique in the sense of the Monotheistic faith requirement, which is only achieved by the individual in their free-will, and is not subject to ritual or rules or laws or works, but to the free-will, which is confidential between the Almighty and the individual!

Dr. David Ginsburg, comments:

Quote by Dr. David (Christian) Ginsburg; Hebrew and Greek scholar, Jewish academic and antiquities expert. For Encyclopaedic Ref. see: Dr. David Ginsburg: (Hebrew scholar, Jewish academic, Jewish language scholar for the British Library, and Museum)

Deut. 6:4: (KJV) "Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord":

The corrected to manuscript is: "Hear (observe, heed) O Israel: Jehovah our Elohim is one Jehovah":

Ginsberg comment: "Hear" in the Hebrew text this word (sham'a) has the last letter majuscular (i.e. larger than the others) as also the last letter of the last word (echad), to emphasis "the first and great commandment" (Matt. 22:33 & Mark 12:29-30).  These two letters taken together make (ed="a witness", because God is a witness and "looketh on the heart" (1Sam.16:7).

See: God and gods 

 God's Gentiles Blessing   


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