Bible Misunderstanding


Question:  Does Adam represent the Tribe of Judah and Eve the Church?  The Tree of Life represent The Bridegroom, and the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil represent The Law?


Interesting concept, but I do not think personally that is correct.

There are a lot of ‘representations’ in the Bible; some of which below I think will interest you:

Eve and Adam (study)

The fact of the survival of the “seed of the woman” (Gen. 3:15), through the “Ark” of Noah, into the Person of Christ Jesus; who is the current “ARK" of God; allows all people of goodwill to enter that Ark for their survival into the next domain of God Almighty, which has “many mansions”; correctly translated; “many divisions” or “many rooms” (John 14:2), one of which will be His Kingdom on Earth; called by Christians “the Millennial” which will be 1000 years of Christ/God rule from Jerusalem!

As can be seen from the above, each of the major stages of God’s Plan to defend “the seed of Adam”, involved a special vehicle, called an “Ark”; each of which requires the faith of the individual to enter into!

Ark of Noah (study)

Here are just two to hopefully get your interest for Bible Study; which is so fruitful for living and understanding!


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